Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summarizer ch.9 Enereyeda

In chapter 9 Lina and Doon worked together and now they have found a door and they have tryed to open it but it was locked.Then they remembered that the note said a steal pan so they started looking for one but as hard as they were looking they couldn't find anything.So they got out of the little tunnel when they heard a noise it was someone else.Doon couldn't see the face so he told Lina that he didn't recognize the man so they got scared.But then Lina wanted to go back but Doon didn't want to so they left.


  1. why didn't you give a brieif discrition of the person

  2. A good summary because you got all the main events but student3 is correct

  3. I disagree about when Doon was to Lina about not trying to be friends with Lina but I wonder why did Doon did that to Lina.
