Thursday, June 11, 2009


1. I predict that the whole city will know about the seceret locked door.

2. I predict that the city will be saved sooner or later.


When Doon first discovered the locked door he should have told Lina about the locked door.
Also Doon should tell more people if he tell more people they could probably help him get the door open.So The City Of Ember could be saved.

Clarifier Chapter 12 Kasandra

1.Gasp:to try hard and to get your breath or suprise.
2.Banner:pieces of cloth with some designs on it.
3.Commiting:to do or perform something.


1.This chapter is about Doon and Lina trying to get the message reaveled.Also them at Linas and taking turns to find some of the paragraph out to get the words right.It's also about Lina having to go to a store and getting some stuff.Thats what this chapter is about.

Clarifier Chapter 11 Kasandra

1.Clarifier-Strutting:to walk in a vain important manner.
2.Swiftly:to move very fast.
3.Ashivering:that you have a exiting filling.

**************************Chapter 11**************************************

Questioner Chapter 13 Daniel

1.Why didnt Doon and Lina went to go look for the letter
E on the rock in the pipeworks? 2.Why wont Doon and Lina write down what they had found so far in the mystery? 3.Why didnt they tell everyone that they found the messege and they were almost finished solving the messege?


Questioner chapter 12 Daniel

1.How did Doon open the door he found? 2.Why was the mayor keeping all the supplies for himself? 3.Why was the mayor sleeping in the door with the supplies in them?

Ch.13 Summarizer Enereyeda

Lina and Doon are working together and now Doon doesn't believe that the instructions are important so he gave up.So Lina went to the greenhouse to go find Clary and before no one believed her and the only one that did believe her was Doon,but now he gave up so she went to go and tell Clary so she is trying help her...

Summarizer Ch.12 Cristian

Doon goes to the pipeworks and opens the door and sees the alseep.Some citizens of Ember protest because they want the solutions from the mayor but he doesn't has any answers.Lina finds out that the mayor and Looper steals from the city.Lina and Doon write to the city hall and the guard reads the letter .

clarifier chapter.13 mikael

deciphering-tomake out the meaning or something that is puzzling or not clear

creature-any living thing

windowsill-a piece of wood or stone across the bottem of a window

Ch.12 Clarifier Enereyeda

1)mumur:a small low inartistic sound that rises and fully a little and goes on.

2)flushed:to become red (blush).

3)grunting:to otter the deep, guttural sound characteristic of a hog.

Clarifer Ch.11 Cristian

Rare:seklom seen or found


Dismay:sudden helpless fear of what is about to happen or what has happened

Ch.12 Questioner Enereyeda

1)Are the guards going to arrest Mayor Cole for stealing supplies?

2)The food & supplies that got stolen are they going to give it back to the food supplies?

3)I wounder if Doon is going to tell his father and goes and gets tools without being noticed?

Questioner Ch.11 Cristian

Did Looper got the applesauce,the peaches,and the creamed corn from old supply room?

Why does Lina recieve the can food that nobody has but Lizzie,Looper, and the mayor?

What if the citizen of Ember finds out that Lizzie,Looper,and mayor Cole are stealing from the supply room?

Ch.11 Predictor Enereyeda

1)I predict that Lina and Poppy are going to foster home.

2)I predict that Mrs.M. is going to adopt Lina and Poppy.

3)I predict that Mrs.M. is going to love Lina and poppy as her own daughters.

summerizer ch.11 mikael

In this chapter lina is on her way to deliver a message to someone and on her way she sees lizzie and she is holding a sack of something in her hand she goes up to her and frities her,she drops the sack and out comes some canned goods lina picks one up and reads "peaches" then she picks another one up and reads creamed corn.lina says"where did you get these from lizzie" "I got them in the back of a store." lina knew that lizzie was lying. "you can have them lina" said lizzie.she picked up most of the canned goods and left. lina took the canned goods home then Ms.Murdo told her "where did you get these from" "a friend" The next day lina went togo and find lizzie.She saw lizzie comeing out of work she got lizzie by her scarf and tugged her a few times and then said "where did you get the canned goods from" I told you I got them in the bsck of store" then lina tugged her again then she spilled out the truth.she told lina where she had gotten it then she said "you got them from looper " "yes" he's been getting me stuff from the storeage rooms" "he find stuff out" he goes into every storage room thats not loocked whenever the room says emtey its not there is still some rare things that cant be found anymore.looper and I are just taking these thing becuase were just going to live while we can.

Friday, June 5, 2009





1.strutting=to walk in vain important manner
2.swiftly=moving very fast
3.thrilling=shivvering,exciting filling



********PREDICTING CH.10 LYNNESHA**********

I predict that Lina will try to help her granny the best way she could.

I predict that lina granny is going to get well soon because lina is going to get help.

Questioning Chapter 10 Daniel

1. Why did Linas granny get sick? 2. What was the thing that granny said that was lost? 3. Why did Lina call Dr.Murdo to her house?


1.wisp=bit or bunch of something
2.shuddering=to trimble with horror
3.cluster=number of things of the same kind or grouped together

**********SUMMARY CH.10 LYNNESHA**********

This chapter is about Lina granny getting sick really sick.Then Lina granny got sick so Lina and Poppy had to take care of her.Then Lina start drawing stuff.Also Lina helped her granny with everything she wanted her to do.


I predict that Lina and Doon is going to work together and get that door open.

I predict that Doon will find a way in that locked door to save the City Of Ember.


In chapter 9 in The City Of Ember Doon had discovered a locked door on his lunch break/mini adventure.So Doon went to the door even if it was locked or not.He wanted to go in the door so he tried his best too.But,it didn't work so Doon just gave up.

Clarifier Jakiya Chapter9

1.concious=experience;aware knowing
2.sculfing=to struggle or fight in a rough manner
3.peered=person of the rank;a friend someone really close to you in family

Questioning Daniel Chapter 9

1.Why didnt Lina tell everybody about the door that Doon and herself found?2.Why didnt Lina and Doon take a flashlight to see the door better instead of feeling their way over there?3.Who was that guy they saw outside the door that they found?4.Why did that guy keep the door to himself and not tell anybody about it?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

quesstioner,chapter9 mikael

Why does Lina think that the door that they have found in the pipeworks is the way out? Why does Lina say that there is something familliar about that person? Why would Doon say "maybe there is nothing special after all behind that door maybe its just an old supply closet"

Clarifer ch.9 Cristian

lurching:leave someone in the lurch;to leave someone in a helpless conditions or difficult situation.


chink:a crack;cleft;or fissure

Predictor ch.9 donnisha jones

I predict that Lina is going to find what in the side of the door.

I predict that Doon & Lina is going to be friend's again.

I predict that why was Doon in Lina was not friends at first and that they shouldbe friends.

Summarizer ch.9 Enereyeda

In chapter 9 Lina and Doon worked together and now they have found a door and they have tryed to open it but it was locked.Then they remembered that the note said a steal pan so they started looking for one but as hard as they were looking they couldn't find anything.So they got out of the little tunnel when they heard a noise it was someone else.Doon couldn't see the face so he told Lina that he didn't recognize the man so they got scared.But then Lina wanted to go back but Doon didn't want to so they left.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


QUESTION#1-How did Doon make his way all the way to the end of the tunnel?
QUESTION#2-Why didn't Doon try to make a way to that door?

summarizing chapter 8 lynnesha

SUMMARY-In chapter 8 in The City Of Ember Doon went to work and finished all the work he needed to do.So Doon decided to go on a little adventures while the other workers played games and went to sleep.Doon stared walking so while he was walking he was finding stuff from years .He ran into a door that said (caved in).Doon is so brave he still went in the door .When he got inside he looked up and seen a locked door. He said in his mind something could be in that door that can save The City Of Ember. THE END***************************

Clarifing Chapter 8 Kasandra

Clarifying:Shrivel:to dry up shink and wrinkle.
Predication:an unpleasing difficalt or bad salitation.
Indicates:to point out; make it known.

Predictor Chapter 8 Daniel

predicting...1. I predict that the door that Doon found will lead them to the outside world they never discovered.2. I predict that Doon will need Lina to find away to open the door Doon found in the unknown regions.

predictor The City Ember chapter8 Donnisha

I predict that Doon and Lina are going to be friends again.I predict that Doon and Lina are going to find a solution.

Questioner The City Of Ember ch.8 Enereyeda

I wonder if Lina Doon are going to be friend again?How do you think Lina would act if she discovers something?If Doon wasnt there to help Lina do you think that Lina would of made it so far?

clasifier The City Of Ember ch.8 Donnisha

#1)fascinito:The state of being intresed greatly in something .
sentence:I was fascinito. when I saw motocycle.
#2)unitended:Made one become one.
sentence:He unintended that the boy was behind him.

Summerizer The City Of Ember ch.8 Enereyeda

In Chapter 8 Lina try to fix the note that poppy had found in the closet.But her little sister had chewed on it so it was all chewed on it.So Lina try to fix it the first thing she finds was that it said instructions ,and that's why she thought it was important.She asks people they can help her but they didn't pay no mind to it.So Lina at first didn't want to pay mind to it but after she payed mind to it.The setting takes place in Lina's house(her room).She takes responsibility of her actions because she is trying to help.Now she thinking that the only person to be curious of the note might be Doon.Now she is thinking over why they stoped being friends and she wants to say sorry for making fun of him.